Love For Mankind is a change to adult day program provider serving the Gahanna, Ohio community. We specialize in assisting individuals with a variety of disabilities to live a high-quality life on their own terms. We seek to help individuals learn and adapt to their individuality. We are an equal opportunity employer, and we believe in equality for all.

Our Mission
All people were created equal, regardless of the abilities or disabilities they may have to endure. Our mission is to promote equality and fairness for all people, and as such, we are an advocate for those who may or may not be able to advocate for themselves. It is for this reason that Love For Mankind, LLC believes that the people we serve, the community of persons with developmental disabilities, have the right to health, happiness, and to contribute to their communities in meaningful ways.
Love For Mankind’s mission is to assist with each person’s growing process, to help them to maintain independence, autonomy, and become self-advocates. Our mission is to provide quality care that enriches the lives of people with developmental disabilities. Our goal is that these people feel secure and open enough to express themselves, to express their wants and their needs, and that they feel like they are a part of a community, and a part of a family.